Monday, January 13, 2014

"Joy!" (SP)

Guten Tag Familie!

It's been a good week.  The sun has been shining a lot and it's been beautiful!  

Sorry it'll be shorter this week, but I wanted to tell of some miracles that happened.

We taught our miracle investigator Joy from Africa and her daughter Jennifer.  She is AWESOME.  She wasn't feeling super great, but still had us over to teach her.  We taught her about the Book of Mormon and the importance of reading and praying together.  She then said that her friend that we'd offered to pray for, asked to borrow Joy's copy of the Book of Mormon to read it.  Joy told us as if it was normal, and almost appologetically that she'd get it back and then read our assignment to her or else borrow one of ours.  Little does she know how we were screaming inside over it.  We promptly gave her two more books, one for her and one for Jennifer.  She committed to be baptized!  It started out that she said she wanted Jennifer to be baptized when she turned 8.  We asked her, '' Well, Joy, why do you want her to be baptized?  Would you like to be baptized?''  So cool!  Father is so cool sometimes :).  

I learned that even if we don't see a TON of progress all the time, it doen't mean that our efforts aren't going somewhere.  Joy is our only major investigator but that's still HUGE.  If we bring but one soul to Father how great will be our ''Joy''!  I love being a missionary!!


Sister Packer

Oh, p.s. I GOT MY PACKAGE!!  It was so beautiful!!!!!  Thank you!!!!   

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