Family and Friendlies!
I know I haven't written an official letter in a couple weeks. I'm working to be better at it.
I'm still here in Vienna and am working, if I haven't explained already, with a visa waiter Sister Friedrichs from north Germany in Lübeck. She is here for a total of 6 weeks to learn all she can before getting shipped off to the New Zealand MTC and then on to the Australia Melbourne mission. Crazy! I LOVE HER TO PIECES. She's a hoot and we laugh all the time. She's helping me with my German and I with her English. When we pray she prays in English and I in German to practice. It's so much fun. We speak in both languages almost every sentence. It's helping a lot to flip back and forth. I love ENGLISH. I'm SO glad I know it. It's helped me understand German SO much. I LOVE German. It's a beautiful language and I've learned so much about the English language just from studying German. It's a beautiful blessing. I finally understand most humor in German. HUGE milestone. I discovered my companion is hilarious :).
This week a miracle happened! We were on our way to visit a member to help her write down some ideas for her FMP when I was sitting across from a young man. He had earbuds in and was watching something and the timidness in me didn't want to disturb him. Heavenly Father knows me so well and is the best at giving me the very smallest of details in my mind of things I should say. It came to mind to ask, ''Hey, was für eine Musik hörst du?'' '' What kind of music are you listening to?'' I pushed it off, again not wanting to disturb his video. The thought wasn't pressing, but just kept coming back. Sometimes I get those little thoughts and I think, ''nah, I don't wanna say that'' and then try to think of something else. Haha I usually can't. Heavenly Father has a good sense of humor. I finally decided to listen to the thought seeing he wasn't getting off. ''Hey, was für eine Musik hörst du?'' We began talking and kept talking as our stop, the end station came up. He asked me what I was doing here. I told him and then asked if he was very religious. He was oped to other religions and searching so to say. I introduced the Book of Mormon. He brightened and said in German, ''Oh, that's the Mormon book! My grandma is Mormon.'' Um, What!? We exchanged info and he said he might come to church. His family is from Lima, Peru so he wanted a Spanish Book of Mormon. Sunday morning I sent him a text that said,
''Guten Morgen! Wir haben ein Buch Mormon auf Spanisch zu Hause. Es steht in meine Hände :). Ich habe ein Zeugnis von dieses Buch Roger. In alle meine Erfahrungen mit Familie, Freunde, Arbeit, Sport, alles, ich habe nie so groß Freude gehabt als wann ich dieses Buch gelesen habe. Mit meinem ganzen Herzen. Ich habe alles zu Hause gelassen für 1 und halb Jahr nur das ich dieses Buch zu Menschen geben kann. Ich weiss das es wahr ist. So. Unsere Frage ist, wann können wir uns treffen und dieses Buch dir geben?''
''Good morning! We have a Book of Mormon in Spanish here at home. It's in my hands :). I have a testimony of this Book, Roger. In all my experiences with family, friends, work, sports, everything, I've never received more peace than I have from reading this book. With all my heart. I left everything at home to come here for a year and a half just so I can give this book to people. I know it's true. So. Our question is, when can we meet and give you this book?''
He didn't come to church, but during church texted us back and said,
''Also, dann können wir uns am Dienstag treffen nur wenn du Zeit hast, es ist sehr interessant was du gesagt hast.. Ich wünsche dich noch ein schönen Tag. Lg roger.''
''Well, then can we meet on Tuesday if you have time? It's interesting what you said....Have a great day. Best wishes, roger.''
Before he'd said maybe he had time next weekend to meet and get the book. I know that bearing our testimony is so important. I'm grateful for the chance we have to help him find God again. I know this work is the Lord's! I also know that repentance is a daily process. It was right after repenting that this experience happened. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I love this work!
Sister Packer
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