Monday, March 3, 2014


The title of the email says it all. We got Damian dunked! Or in other words, we got our friend Damian to enter into the sacred waters of baptism and start this journey toward eternal life! A picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, that is sunshine you see in that photo. It was a glorious day. 

Damian is the man! And I was honored to be the one to baptize him. Basically he is a miracle story. Honestly, every baptism is a miracle story. The fact that people even let us in their homes is a miracle. It's a good thing God is a God of miracles!!!

 When we GQ'd him (This was 5 weeks ago) he agreed to meet with us. The last thing he told us was "It is an incredible story about Christ in the Americas isn't it." and then he walked away. Me and Elder Ferrell looked at each other with a "What?!" expression on our faces.

Damian met missionaries a few years ago up in Northern England on a bus. They asked him to read the Book of Mormon. He never saw missionaries again but he did read the book. Then, once he moved down to Wales 2 1/2 years later he met us walking up the street.

After teaching him for 5 weeks he made his baptismal date. Much prayer and fasting came from the ward as well. The ward had a 40 day fast. Basically people sign up for a day during a 40 day period to fast for missionary work. We found Damian on the 5th day of the fast and confirmed him on the 40th day. Or maybe the 40th day was the day we baptized him... Either way it is awesome!
His pure and simple testimony was really touching. He is doing this for the right reasons. Transfers are this week so I don't know if I'll be the one staying here to teach him the after-baptism lessons but I hope I am! 

Man, I can't even believe it happened. It was like we didn't even have to do anything for him. He just listened, accepted commitments and got baptized. Truly ELECT. He was prepared by the Lord, and we were blessed to find him! The Lord is so good to us.

Other than that though... I guess the main news would be that we climbed up an old roman road with our bikes! It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining , we were riding our bikes along a canal and we decided to take a longer/unknown route to our investigator's house. It led us to this really old cobble-stone road. Elder Ferrell have this thing for climbing up mountains. The trail looked like something in a movie or a fairy tale so we climbed it. It was SO COOL! 

It wasn't until afterwards that we discovered it was a Roman road. carrying our bikes wasn't to easy but it was worth it. At the top was a huge stone tower called the Folley Tower. That was sweet and then we met this guy riding a horse. (It was a beautiful thoroughbred in case you were wondering Dad)  Oh and I lost my badge on the path somewhere. Somebody is going to find it and then I'll have proof that I was on that road. Sadly we didn't have a camera to take pictures. 

I love you all! Thanks again for your prayers! 

Elder Packer


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